Marketing graphic design, comps & mechanicals for print, OOH, collateral ads & special projects for corporate pitches.
Leading visual & audio developers in solidifying artistic visions and production pipelines for video games.
Compositing, retouching & paint-overs to craft digital images based on concept art, game renders & photographs.
As a seasoned production artist, Giuliana Funkhouser has specialized in advertising and visual development for video games and digital publishing, as well as music, art & travel promotion. Her drawings and animations have been featured within marketing campaigns and public art displays around the USA. Throughout her 20+ year media arts career, she's worked with companies including WB Games, Arnold Worldwide, and Foma Labs, along with indie developers such as Christina Balch Studio, Bad Captain Games and Fun Ghost's Haunted Fun Factory.
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© 2024 Giuliana Funkhouser